International Children's Theater Received Great Appreciation
This weekend's coolest events shadow of Way Out West was held in a small community center out on the Östergötland countryside. Actors from several different countries came together and offered partly a wonderful theatrical experience.
- As we stand on the stage I think we manage to reach across borders - Regardless of language, says American Myque Franz.
My expectations were conservative when I arrived the community center in Falerum. What could one expect itself? An improvisational theater from Linköping and some students from a school in California would Setting up a children's theater in one community center out on the heath. Menvilkenhäftigupplevelse it got us happy who were there. The seven men strong theater delivered a totally insane but great version of H.C. Andersen's "The Ugly duckling ". Actors managed to convey a true and joyful Performance which attracted laughter from both children and adults.
- We started from the story and put up some structure but mostly why the position impromptu - without script, says promoter Kajsa Jonasson.
Skådespelarensamblen represented several different countries - Sweden, Denmark, France, USA and Canada. But one thing led them together - all have gone the theater school Dell'Arte in California, USA.
- The fact that we speak different languages stops us not in the slightest. We understand each other well and when we stand on stage, I think we manage to convey the national borders - whether language, says American Myque Franz.
"They were absolutely crazy"
You have chosen to call the event for Klinta Festival and this was the second year in a row that the party was organized. The idea is that the party be organized every year and it is hoped that more and more eleverfrån Dell'Arte School skakommaochunderhållai district.
- We hope that this tradition continues. We have been here for a week and prepared us and spent time and I think Falerum äralldelesfantastiskt.Naturen This is so very special, says Zita Nyarady from Canada.
Community center in Falerum was full of children and adults. Two of the children who were That was Åtvidaberg girls Frida and Ruth.
- They were crazy and very funny.
It was great fun to come here, did the. Eldblåsare and picnic In addition to performances invited the fifty persons the picnic, eldblåsare, live music and barbecues
- All to create a such a large family party as possible. We want it to be a evening for the whole family. The anyone can get their share of the pie during the evening, says Kajsa Jonasson.
So, if I have not been clear enough: If you live south of Treriksröset or north of the Rock of Gibraltar should vallfärdatillbygdegårdenBykupan in Falerum next summer. There you will be invited a fantastic family evening topped by a wonderful theater experience.